Supply and delivery
When it comes to business, on-time delivery is a key factor, and we at Tecnica Press know this well; especially in an industry as delicate and particular as that of Funeral Items.
We take pride in ensuring domestic and international shipments that are fast and convenient, especially to Italy and European countries.
We ship our carefully packaged items daily from Tecnica Press headquarters to all over the world; we have agreements with the best shippers and couriers, but we also make direct deliveries, and always at very competitive prices.

Customer Services
For Tecnica Press, the customer comes first, and every one of our activities is aimed at bringing the center of gravity of our business functions toward their complete satisfaction: our mission is to produce, market and serve in the most effective and loyalty-enhancing way possible.
It all starts with the way we relate: we regard our clients as true partners and as partners we treat them, making sure to protect their interests and support them in the growth of their business; sharing in their same goals, namely success and mutual satisfaction.
As the father of modern marketing, Philip Kotler, stated years ago:
“Winning companies also turn their customers into winners. The shrewdest companies are constantly creating new value for customers; they are deeply oriented toward the customer and to meeting the customer’s needs.”
Our customers’ smiles are the gauge of our success, and the best result we can achieve is to always live up to their expectations, responding correctly to their needs with sustainable solutions that lead to the best possible results.
For Tecnica Press, it is of primary importance to listen to customers’ needs, gather their ideas, take care of them, and learn from their experiences; through this we can establish lasting relationships and always offer something focused and unique.
For this reason we have established a direct, secure and privileged channel with all our customers, who without intermediaries can always speak directly with the company, shortening, or even completely zeroing out, the distance between supply and demand.
A direct line that allows us to improve our products, develop new ones, customize our offers, anticipate needs, or simply retain those who support us, always proving ourselves helpful, serious, punctual, and professional.
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